Tuesday, March 2, 2010

What's Missing is {your name here}

I saw a lot of things happen today.

I saw a lot of anger. I saw a little love. I saw a lack of vision. I saw what's push, what's shove.

Most importantly, I saw what my life is like with STRESS.

-not getting along with your roommate,
-not budgeting your time well,
-not getting to see the one person who makes you forget you're stressed at all.

Yes, it was a stressful day.

This time the stress wasn't about money, or class, or even REALLY about school at all.

This stress was emotional. Emotional stress hurts more than physical stress. BUT, like physical stress, emotional stress builds muscle.

Flexing my emotional muscle today brought on new soreness; but as the soreness heals, I will be building in strength and stature.

oh, I forgot, STRESS IS:
-who poured a pound of wet noodles down the stairwell.

Essentially, I found myself in a storm of contention and high strung housing gods and goddesses.

We all go through emotional stress. We all go through ups and downs.

If you see someone you think is way up or way down or anywhere in between, ask yourself, "What are they missing?"

Maybe what they're missing is a hug. Maybe what they're missing is some laughter. Maybe what they're missing is a friend. No matter how 'set' they may be, they're missing something.

What's missing is {your name here}.

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