Tuesday, March 9, 2010


It rained today. It rained for minutes. It rained for hours. Maybe it rained for days. By the time it stopped raining, I didn't even know what day it was.

Thank you, Amanda, for reminding me that the day after Monday before Wednesday four days before the weekend is, in fact, Tuesday.

As for the rest of the day (what day?) it kept raining.

Here's the financial update-I'm in the exact same spot. BUT, guess who (what?). I had a job interview today. They should get back to me tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be cleaning floors again by the end of the week.

In the immortal words of lil scrappy, "Money in the bank, shorty what you drank."

I'm not sure when or how height became a primary distinguishing factor for attractiveness, AND a relationship status, but I do know this: soon, I will have money in the bank, shorty.

Shorty (shortly) after I found out about my job interview, I ate dinner. At dinner I made a small cup of perfectly sculpted frozen yogurt. Not only was it beautiful, it was GROSE.

And though I realize 'not only' was not an appropriate expression to use in that situation.

See, look what I can do. I can just end a sentence where it's completely inappropriate.

After discovering my vanilla flavored frozen yogurt was not only beautiful, but gross, I dumped it out, and went for vanilla ice cream.

The ice cream was melty, dripping, barely solid, and pretty much liquid. Yes. I can just use four descriptive phrases/adjectives that mean exactly the same thing. (Emphasis?).

The great thing about the ice cream was that it tasted amazing.

Sometimes the drippy, melting, ugly things will please you more than the pretty, solid things.

Don't judge a cream by it's texture.

Less than three, Amanda.

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