Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Five More Hours

The weather today was beautiful. We all called it the first day of spring.

Starting at 2:30, I went outside.

At 3:00, there was a mass exodus to the lawn. It seemed like everyone in the dorms was out in the quad, laying in the grass, the sun. Other played volleyball, croquet, football...

But where I live. But where I. But Where. I. Disc.

I live to frisbee. I toss, I catch, I run, I laugh, and all with my friends. So it only made sense that I was outside throwing the frisbee for five hours (with a forty minute dinner break).

When outside, I saw a lot of interesting things. I saw TOOLS playing croquet. Now you might ask, where's the problem there? I'll tell you the freaking problem. The problem was threefold:
1) They were playing with their shirts off.
2) They were playing in short shorts.
3) They were cromatators. They swung golf-style. You're supposed to swing between the
legs. They didn't practice proper ball-contact etiquette.
sub3) For those of us who know croquet, we know that upon contacting another's ball,
you are granted an extra hit OR you may choose to LUANCH your opponents ball
using proper foot-arch-ball stance. Tools are for tool sheds, not colleges.

Remember back in fourth grade, playing night games with the neighborhood kids, and your mom would call you in for bed? What did you do?

You asked for five more minutes.
Hi. You're at college.
Ask for five more hours.

1 comment:

  1. Dearest Sean,
    I love you, and your blog. I couldn't stop laughing.
    Love, Emily
