Monday, April 5, 2010

I thought I'm done with thinking

I thunk I thought I was done with thinking but I'm sure my thoughts are what made me think it.

I can't stop it, but I can ignore it.

And I'm happy :)

She makes me think-but I love that.

And I'm only trying to stop thinking because I know thinking is what she doesn't want me to do. But then aren't I thinking thoughts to contain thoughts she never wanted me to think.

But still, I'm happy :)

I don't think I've ever been happier with my life. It really is perfect. This is the best time of my life.

I'm going to try not to waste time thinking about it.

"There's gonna be one less lonely girl."

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Love My Smiling Heart

I'm a happy camper.

What makes me so happy.

Giving and receiving love.

And I've found that when it's just the right person, it's ever better. And the love grows.

It grows up to meet your lips. It purses them, forces them into a smile.

It floods down to wash your toes. It numbs them, makes them sail softly along the ground.

It finds a way to touch every nerve. And it makes them smile, too.

It takes your head, and it wipes every dark inch, every dusty corner, and makes it all--smile.

Then it takes her picture and drags it into your view--and now your eyes are smiling eyes too.

Now smiles are all you see and do--the smile is part and all of you.

You smile to sleep, and smile yourself awake, and smiling smiles for smiling's sake.

And then, it smiles its way into your heart

And then, it smiles its way into your heart :

And then, it smiles its way into your heart : )

And now that you've thought about it, you smile because you've smiled.

I guess you could say that's why I'm smiling now.

And I guess you could say that's why I plan on smiling for quite a while.

And when I smile, you'll see me smiling all over.

And when you see me smiling all over, you'll see me smiling.

Carry your love.
Love is nothing more--a smiling heart.