Tuesday, March 30, 2010


You know you're happy when the weather provides for you.

The above is a great example of a poorly written sentence.

The above sentence is a great example of a cover up for an unintentionally poorly written sentence.

The above sentence is a great example of obsessive denial.

I'm just totally speaking complete crap style.

I love working. One, I get money. Two, it helps me manage my time. Three, I work with weird people. Four, I see so many stereotypical science majors it blows my mind-every time.

Five, I'm all alone.

But why alone? Alone sucks? No. Alone is fun because I can sing at the top of my lungs (almost) in empty laboratories for hours.

I usually sing John Mayer. He's right in my range. Thank you John, for helping me get through the sweep sweep trash trash mop mop lock lock lock lock.

I purchased equipment for the Quidditch hoops today. Should be fun. It's really starting to come together. Come and watch. It's bound to be magical.

My roomate just told me he drooled. Funny kid trevor is. Talks in a sleepy state a lot. For example, just the other week, I made a noise while Trevor was barely asleep, and he sat up a little and asked if I made it past the first page. I promptly told him he was asleep. He insisted on asking again:

"Well did you make it past the first page?"

"Hey Trevor you're asleep buddy."

When he talks in his sleep, I send him texts in the middle of the night so he wakes up and knows what he said-because if there's anything I hate more than playing monopoly with cheaters, it's forgetting a dream after I have it. And I guess I'd like to know when I sleep talk too.

A week after the Trevor incident, while he was away for a family vacation, Mikey slept in Trevor's bed. Well it was more of we were watching a movie and he fell asleep.

"Mikey, you have to go to bed bro."

(yeah I said bro fight me)

Mikey sits up.

"Wait...I can't find my marker."

"Mikey what are you talking about?"

"I can't find my marker man."

"He Mikey, you're completely asleep."

Mikey exits sighing:

"Dude that's not cool man."

Ten minutes later, Mikey wrote on my facebook: "yeah i don't know what the eff i was talking about haha, i was most definitely asleep."

And That was Tuesday, My Dear.

1 comment:

  1. this is my favorite. why? because its hilarious.

    it's one of those had-to-be-there moments. there's no denying that.
    it's something everyone can relate to.

    and clearly mikey is a more avid sleep talker than i am.

    we're not alone, mikey.
