Friday, March 12, 2010

wash {_ r u n _ _}

Today Daniella arrived :)

If you've ever had a best friend ever one you can always rely on one you can always go to one who would never betray you and always forgive you.

That is her.

We toured campus, we ate food, we watched humorous television shows (ha) and we ate some more.

At night we went to my friends apartment south of campus. We all talked for a while then went out to the hot tub.

I counted eight. Only three I knew. One I became fond of. Who? Terrell. This large black man was funny, sociable, and he had my back. Thanks Terrell.

As the minutes turned into hours, our heads turned to sweating, our fingers and toes to prunes.

Sitting idle. Sometimes it's exactly what you need. Tonight, it was exactly what I needed. I've never been a big fan of prunes, unless of course they're on my fingers and toes.

While my skin wrinkled, I watched a giant wheel of time turning across the water. My mind, like my sensitive skin, weathered in fast forward from the heat.

So many decisions. How could so many decisions be made in so short a time? I had so short a time. So short a time. Wrinkles across my mind. So short a time.

Then Peace. Calm.
Then Drive Home.
Then Dim Light.
Then Shower.

thank you time.
thank you water.
thank you belle.
thank you {_ _ _ _ _ _}.

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