The key to finding inspiration for anything is opening up your head, clearing your thoughts.
Everyday before I sleep I have a brain storming (more like brain draining) session to get all my thought onto my computer. As an ad major, the ideas are often for a new campaign. As a poor college kid, they're sometimes about how to make money. As a thinker, they're sometimes about thoughts that I think.
A recent thought I've thunk is a business proposition. I would write the thought i thunked down HERE, but then that thought would be thought or thunked by multitudes of other thinkers.
If you have thoughts, write them down. One day those mind sketches might be given an opportunity to move from paper space to reality.
Today I spent $16.00, outside of my daily food budget. I bought a tuxedo shirt, tuxedo shoes, and two ties from a thrift store. I now have a full tuxedo (minus jacket, including vest). Total cost: around $30. It took me a year, but it's all put together now.
I learned today that not all spending is bad. Stupid spending is bad. Smart spending is not all good, but it does curb desires. Remember, you always have the liberty to choose.
Oh. And. Today my mom called.
"Guess what." "what?" "I found the spare change jar you used to fill." "And?" "I've started rolling the coins. So far you've got $60.00."
Sometimes we work for the things we need. Sometimes they just turn themselves in.