Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Litterae: I

I have learned some things in my life.

I think (here i considered backspacing, erasing think, and putting know, then decided to type this parenthetical statement instead to make it clear that i KNOW what I am about to say, and I think it has been affective in doing so) that the best way to learn about life is to live it and then to observe what it yields.

So, here then, i guess, are some observations of life lived, which I ( ) to be true:

  • People you really love, are worth spending time with.
  • Friends are expendable if they come in plenty--but when plenty is reached, an awareness of loss is removed.
  • Personal hygiene is 99% of what makes or brakes other people liking other people--the reality of it is though, that decision is made in the first seconds of any interaction. So, to the world, and all it's inhabitants, your smile, your personality, your laugh, the time you spend doing things that really matter--they only account for 1%. Granted, that 1% is exponentiated once our first decision (hygienic evaluation) is made. Imagine the seconds you could save if you were blind, and had no sense of smell. And those seconds would add to minutes. And those minutes to hours. And those hours to days. And those days to weeks. And those weeks to months. And those months to years. Try, next time you meet someone, to close your eyes and plug your nose before they're clearly in range. You'll be saving more time than you know.
  • Since that last bullet point was significantly longer than the rest I'm going to give you a little breathing room.

  • It is often easier to lie than to tell the truth.
  • Black goes with everything. And black is timeless. Why? Because it shows no shadow, and bares no light. It is the way an object reflects light that gives our eyes their perception of the world around us. That's why blackness is deceiving--you never see it's true form. I guess then that means that even with endless happiness, there will be deception. Maybe that's just the appearance it gives though. Darkness has depth, but it cannot be seen.
  • Love is worth fighting for.
  • Love and attraction are completely separate entities. Love can exist without attraction. Attraction can exist without love. Often they are coupled together. But true love cannot be built by attraction. You see, true love, lasting, eternal love, is blind. And though truest love is blind, attraction is blinding. Now you see why these can be easily confused. That being said, there is absolutely nothing wrong with attraction. It's when love is compromised for attraction that problems arise. And if you compromise love, you've compromised lasting happiness.
  • Finding lasting happiness through true love in its purest form is not easy--which is why I will avoid hasty marriage. (p.s. relationships are trials; they're all but one going to end poorly, but that's what they were meant for--learning).
  • It is easy to be prideful and conceited rather than accepting defects and taking the time to correct them. Because that is the case, the people who most deserve to be prideful and conceited really never are. Someone who is humble, should be considered as someone of greatest consequence, and held in your highest regards.
  • Gratitude is never real until expressed through action to the one from whom the gratitude was inspired.

I'm glad you could listen. I really do love to think...to sit and think and then pool those thoughts so I can pull that pool out of the water and leave it to dry on the page.

Don't ever stop thinking. Don't ever stop analyzing.

Dead is the mind that has given up its right to reason, and shamed is the creator that gave the mind the right to reason at all.

Think about it.

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